Do you spend too much time checking Siscomex Mantra?

MantraNet checks it all for you, it issues warnings, sends SMS and can even integrate itself into your systems

MantraNet e.Mix has been active for 9 years and perfect for any user wishing to consult Siscomex Mantra Online! From small dispatcher to large companies through importers . The operation of MantraNet is very simple! The user reports Mawb and Hawb, then sets when he/she wants to receive notifications and that's it! Just wait for the service to make the query and inform when the desired points are filled.

Is Hawb unavailable? No problem, it warns you Is there an urgency in receiving the information? Choose the SMS notification for the desired phone. By the way, besides the notifications, it sends the Mantra screens! And most importantly: Reporting once to Mawb and Hawb, it will make the query several times a day. And the best, all this totally automated!

Avisos por e-mail ou SMS

Como o serviço realiza consulta em média 60 vezes por dia até que o processo tenha sido finalizado, a informação é recebida praticamente em tempo real. Tenha outros benefícios utilizando o MantraNet, tais como: Liberar senhas para utilização somente nos processos; Todos os envolvidos receberem as informações de forma rápida; Seus colaboradores com foco no cliente e outras etapas do processo que realmente necessitam de intervenção, não gastando mais tempo em consultas manuais no sistema Mantra.

Know more!

Fill out the form to request a demonstration of the MantraNet service and learn about the benefits it offers.

O MantraNet da e.Mix faz toda a consulta pra você, emite os avisos!

Tudo isso de forma automatizada, com rapidez e simplicidade!


Ocorrência automática nos processos do FollowNet com as Indisponibilidades do Mantra, com baixa também automática quando resolvida;

Captura e envio da tela do Mantra com as informações por email ou diretamente para o processo no FollowNet;

Information on the presence of cargo in maritime and road processes.

E.Mix has been in the software development market since 1998. It is a company with innovative solutions in technology to broaden specific results in the short and medium term and to create differential for their customers. Annually our service manages millions of customer operations of the widest range and size.To know the e.Mix profile is of the utmost importance because the company is not about the walls but about the people who work for it

The behavior, posture and attitude of each professional are in truth what builds the e.Mix profile. In line with our virtuous values, our team works focusing on the customer, its needs and the constant demands of the market. We conduct our projects with pleasure and joy, dedicating every effort to achieve the customer and partner loyalty. We are in this because above all we like, respect and valorize what we do.

"In 1998 we started a dream. A dream born out of a commitment to our customers, our desire to innovate and to always offer the best solutions! We created our values as a team and they represent what we want to achieve to be not only the best company but a unique company that understands and serves the customer with the love and respect it deserves!"

Intent e.Mix

"Contribute to the business success with innovative solutions, transforming lives and strengthening relationships"

Focus e.Mix

"People connected in search of innovative solutions in technology with excellent results, valuing the true, long-lasting human relationship"

Our Services

Nossos serviços oferecem um grande diferencial competitivo otimizando o trabalho desenvolvido por sua empresa a seus clientes.
Rua Barão de Jaguara, 707, 3º Andar, Centro - Campinas/SP
1997 - 2024 |
e.Mix - Todos os direitos reservados |
Desenvolvido por: DLS/ Comunicação